
Testimonials from Players

“Thank you for all the time and effort you put in to make the first ever provincial all- star games a success. I wanted to tell you how much fun I had. Thanks for this special opportunity.”     Michelle Bews, Oilfields


“Thank you very much for organizing the Shooting Stars event. I really enjoyed the whole weekend! I really appreciate all of your efforts.”     Tilly Ettinger, St. Mary’s


“I would like to thank you for your time and effort in organizing such an enjoyable weekend and wish you success in continuing to organize such a high calibre event in years to come.”      Jackie Simon, Salisbury Composite


“Thanks you for organizing such an awesome event! I was honoured to participate and was in awe of the amazing Alberta players.” Katie Beard, Bev Facey


“I am writing to thank you for inviting me to play in the all-star game. I appreciate the dedication you have to the sport of basketball and specifically, promoting women’s basketball. The entire weekend was so well organized from the banquet to the final game Saturday night.”      Erin Lawson, Medicine Hat High


“Thank you for a wonderful weekend of basketball. The banquet was great and the practice and the game was even better. This was a wonderful opportunity to meet opponents and to play with rivals. You’ve done a wonderful job co-ordinating such an event and I am honoured to have been able to attend.”      Amber Wecker, Hanna Hawks


“I would like to thank you for all that you did to make the all-star weekend a success. I had a wonderful time and everyone else I talked to said the same thing. Thank you once again.”      Carma Kolody, Bow Island


“A lot of time and effort go into making such a great weekend possible. It was my grade 12 year this year, so I would like to thank you for all that you have done these past years. You are making a great contribution to women’s high school basketball in Alberta, for which we are all very lucky.”

“This was a first class event with great opportunities to showcase your talent.”     Nisa Sutherland, SAIT Lady Trojans


“Last year was a great experience for me. The awards dinner was a really nice tribute to the female basketball players and the games were a good exposure as a high school player.”      Annalise Posein, Holy Trinity Academy 


Testimonials from Coaches/ Administrators

“The Shooting Stars Showcase is as good as it gets! There is no other event in the countrythat does such a tremendous job of showcasing female basketball players. Young women in our province are not only recognized for their basketball prowess, but are also provided a first class stage on which they can showcase their skills. On top of that many of these wonderful players receive scholarship dollars.”     Shawnee Harle, Basketball Canada


“On behalf of my girls I would like to give you and your group many thanks for the Shooting Stars Showcase. My girls have talked glowingly about the all-star games and the experience of both the banquet and the games. They had a lot of laughs and enjoyed the weekend immensely.” High School Coach


“I have seen similar high school events across the country and throughout the U.S. and the Shooting Stars Showcase is second to none. Brian Utley and his organizing committee should be commended for their countless hours in putting on a first class event for Alberta high school players, and providing scholarships for outstanding student-athletes. The rest of Canada should look at this as the model for the recognition and promotion of basketball players in their province.”

David Munro, Faculty Program Manager, Sports Institute Douglas College


“The Shooting Stars Showcase is the single biggest promotion of women’s high school basketball in the province. It gives female athletes from across the province a chance to showcase their skills. This is an unparalleled opportunity to show college coaches what they can do and is a great chance to get to know the athletes they competed against all year. The awards and banquet just adds to the weekend being special for the players and their parents. Thanks to all that makes this a tremendous weekend which is remembered by all participants. If you or your athletes have an opportunity to take part in this event do not pass it by, as you will be missing out on a special opportunity for young women.” Rick Haines, Hanna Hawks


“The Shooting Stars weekend is one of the finest showcase events for girl’s basketball in all of Alberta: it is a must see event for basketball fans. The weekend of games, activities and annual banquet has grown to be a premier basketball event in basketball. The event is known to be attended by numerous college and university coaches as well as club organizations. NSD Basketball is proud to support this event - several of our club players play in it each year and love the event.”

Mark Hogan, Director of NSD Basketball


“The Shooting Stars event is an outstanding showcase of female basketball talent. There is no similar concept in Canada and its growth and success from year to year has resulted from the hard work and dedication of its organizers and sponsors.”

Sid Dutchak, Outwest Basketball


“I would like to thank you for all your great effort this past weekend. All 3 girls of mine, all told me they had a great time! Lots of fun! Steph was really excited she was player of the game and she loved the trophy! Julie Luttmerding, Western Canada


“Thank you for the Shooting Stars Event on the weekend—truly a great event for the girls in attendance” Coach Mark Heinricks, Eagle Butte


“As a first year coach at F.H.S. we will certainly keep recommending players from our High School and feeder schools to the Shooting Stars event”

Coach Terry Sliwkanich, F.H.S


“On behalf of the University of Lethbridge Women’s Basketball Team, I wanted to personally thank you for the generous donation for the Women’s Basketball Enhancement fund. At this time it is important to recognize the efforts which make Shooting Stars the success that it is.”

Dori Johnson, University of Lethbridge Women’s Basketball Coach


“I am sorry I missed last years game. Everyone I talked to said that it was “first class”. Congratulations” Gregg Meropoulis, NAIT Ooks Coach


“The Alberta Shooting Stars event is always a highlight for many of the province’s best high school girls basketball players. Brian Utley and his many dedicated volunteers put on a classy event.” Ken Larson, President Basketball Alberta


“Just a note to say how impressed I was by the Shooting Stars. The games are a great idea, but the All-Province teams, banquet, program, pictures etc. make it an extra special event.” Dave Wells, Lethbridge


“You don’t hear this near enough, I’m sure, but thanks for all you do to promote girls’ basketball in Alberta. I have always admired the passion and dedication that you have and the fact that you are one of the rare ones that actually ‘walks the walk’.”

Darcy Reynolds, ASAA Commissioner, Bonnyville


I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for all you do in organizing th Shooting Stars Stars weekend. I had 5 girls from my school participate in various different games, and they all had such positive experiences. My 2 grade 9 girls LOVED the 3 on 3 tournament and my other players had a blast as well. Thanks for your hard work and dedication to Women's Basketball in Alberta. We, at Hunting Hills, very much appreciate it! Enjoy the rest of your week and take care!

Jill de Jonge

Testimonials from Parents

“Once again, an amazing weekend. You are absolutely the best. The weekend was amazing, as usual, and Katie had a great, great time. You make so many kids happy, especially the rural kids who come a great distance to participate; it is an amazing thrill for them and their families. I just cannot say enough good things about the weekend. Keep up the great work.” Veronica and Peter Waring


“What an awesome weekend; we were privileged to be a part of. First class job. Paige’s award was huge for her, and meant more than you know. We have always told her not to be worried about being from a small program, just work hard and be committed to improving your game and the rest will look after itself.” Lionel Gibbs


“Just wanted to tell you as a ‘first time parent and daughter’s participant’ to the Shooting Stars event, we were very impressed and inspired! Erin left there feeling like she can accomplish her dreams with hard work and focus. It was fantastic! Thanks.

Deb and Murray Marsh


“This past weekend was my daughter’s and my first experience with Alberta Shooting Stars. The weekend was absolutely fantastic!! Thank you for making this possible and making the girls feel like they had really accomplished something!! Bonnie Speers


“Thank you for the basketball banquet last night! The affair was very well done. Once again, a ‘Class Act’. Linda Binder


“ My daughter had the opportunity to see old friends, make new ones and play some very competitive basketball in a great facility. She enjoyed her time very much. The parents got to watch some of the best womens basketball players in Alberta, players I am confident we will see on the National and International stage in upcoming years.”

Blake Mills


“Thank you for putting on such a great event to conclude the basketball season for some and the career of basketball for others as they graduate.” Rudy van der Borgh


I just wanted to say thank you for the wonderful opportunity our daughter had to participate in the Shooting Stars all star weekend in Calgary. We thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it from the banquet right through to the final game on Saturday night. At the banquet, your mistress of ceremonies kept things light and warm throughout the evening. Speeches were motivating and totally relevant to the girls. On Saturday we were able to take in several of the games in an awesome facility. It was an honour to see our daughter participate in this first class event. We appreciate all that you did to make this such a memorable event for all of us.” James, Gail and Than Maher


“This was my daughter’s first experience at such an event and both she and I enjoyed it very much.” Patti Schimmel


“ Emily and her friend Janna, ( and I am sure all the players) came away from the event saying that ... ‘they had fun’... which is, as you know from coaching, one of the ultimate compliments one can receive from a group of teens!” Mark Sasges


“We just wanted to email you to say what a top notch event you put on last weekend. Our daughter had a wonderful time and came away with an increased desire to be a better player in the future.” Kym & Murray Knox


“Thank you for your Shooting Stars basketball last weekend. Our daughter very much enjoyed the experience. The event was professionally run and very valuable to girls in these various age groups. Awesome for Alberta!” Kelly Weibe


“The event is first class, well run and well organized.” Rob & Anne Boyd


“The Alberta Shooting Stars Basketball was a blast. An awesome opportunity for our daughter.” Charancine Ronsko


“Once again we commend you on a wonderful “Shooting Stars” banquet and games. Your dedication to girl’s basketball has not been surpassed. We greatly appreciate all you have done for the sport and for Kristy.” Lorinda Dykshoorn, Foremost


“We appreciate the efforts you have expended to recognize girlsbasketball in the province of Alberta. Thanks again for all the work you have done to recognize the top female basketball on Alberta high schools.” Rick Vermunt, Airdrie


“I just wanted to commend you and all who helped organize the Shooting Stars event over this past weekend. You did an amazing job and I think its wonderful that this is put together to recognized girls basketball. My daughter really enjoyed it and took some new practice skills to work on from the Rhythmic session. Well done! Thank you for your commitment to the sport!Bernadette & George Hendy


Thank you for including my daughter, Claire, in the Showcase event this weekend. She really enjoyed meeting all of her peers, learning from excellent coaches, and playing good basketball. She has already told me that she is going to work hard so that she can try to come back next year. I was very impressed with how well organized the event was. You and your team deserve a lot of credit for doing this for girls basketball in Alberta.” Colin Feasby


Brian, part of Ali's success is due to you and your influence over the years, her Shooting Stars awards and experiences are all a part of her success and development into a young confident woman.... Thank you, Scott Cameron


I would just like to thank you for an absolutely fabulous weekend at The Shooting Stars Showcase! This has to be one of the best, if not the best, experiences that Natalie has had with basketball so far. She said on the ride home 10 or more times how much fun she had. It is truly a remarkable event for girls’ basketball in Alberta. Thank you so much for including all of the younger girls, as it meant a lot to each and every one of them. I hope Natalie is fortunate enough to be involved in this event again in the future. If nothing else, the Showcase should be motivation to play hard so she can experience the Showcase once again. You all should be so proud of all your efforts that goes into creating such an excellent event. Now hopefully you can relax after yet another successful Shooting Stars Showcase. Thanks again! Tracey & Natalie


Claire will be playing at the University of Waterloo, under coach Tyler Slipp commencing in the fall of 2016! We are extremely pleased that she has been invited to participate in the showcase and she would love to attend. Thanks again for being supportive of womens basketball in Alberta. Shooting Stars is a great event to promote the sport. Claire and Nadine Mitchell


Thanks so much for a great basketball event! My grade 9 daughter attended the Shooting Stars this year and this was the first time we had heard about it. I just wanted to tell you that it was a class act from start to finish. You made the girls feel special and gave them the opportunity to play with some of the best players in the province. Our daughter had so much fun that we talked about it all the way back home to Sherwood Park. We loved how you had organized everything down to the finest detail...having shirts pre-printed with names on the back was such a great touch. There was an atmosphere of fun and learning even though the games were competitive. We will definitely be making this event part of our regular routine every year.